Qısa məlumat |
1 |
Ad, soyad, ata adı |
Lalə Saməddin qızı Hüseynova |
2 |
İxtisas |
Bioloq |
3 |
Vəzifə |
Baş müəllim |
4 |
Şöbə |
Tibbi biologiya və genetika |
Təhsili |
№ |
Təhsil müddəti |
ixtisası |
Təhsil müəssisəsinin adı |
Təhsil müəssisəsinin ünvanı |
1 |
1996-2000 |
bioloq (bakalavr) |
Bakı Dövlət Universiteti |
Bakı, Yasamal rayonu. Z.Xəlilov küçəsi 23. |
2 |
2000-2002 |
bioloq (magistr) |
Bakı Dövlət Universiteti |
Bakı, Yasamal rayonu. Z.Xəlilov küçəsi 23. |
3 |
2005-2014 |
Fəlsəfə doktoru |
AMEA – nın Zoologiya İnstitutu |
Bakı, AZE 1004, keçid 1128, məhəllə 504. |
İş təcrübəsi haqqında |
№ |
İşləmə müddəti |
Vəzifəsi |
Müəssisənin adı |
Müəssisənin ünvanı |
1 |
2003- 2008 |
Baş laborant |
Azərbaycan Müəllimlər İnstitutut |
Koroğlu Rəhimov |
2 |
2008 |
Assistent |
Azərbaycan Tibb Universiteti |
Mərdanov qardaşları,98c |
İştirak etdiyi təlimlər və kurslar haqqında |
№ |
Təlimin müddəti |
Təlimin adı |
Təlimin keçirildiyi ünvan |
1 |
6 ay |
Caspian Plaza (İngilis dili) |
Zivərbəy Əhmədbəyov |
№ |
Elmi iş və məqalənin adı |
1. | Huseynova L.S., Rasulov E.M., Aliyeva K.A., Khalilov R.İ. Two new mutations identified in Azerbaijan. The gene BCKDHB 508 (C-T) and the gene DBT 1199 (A-G) in a homozygous state in two families with MSUD diagnosis. German Science Herald. Germany, Berlin. 2017. №5. P. 26-30. |
https://dwherold.de/home/archive/2017/52017.html. |
2. | Huseynova L.S. Molecular genetic diagnosis of inherited metabolic disease named maple syrup scent. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology letters. Research and Reviews in Biosciences. India. 2017. 12(3): p.130-134. |
https://www.tsijournals.com/articles/molecular-genetic-diagnosis-of-inherited-metabolic- disease-named-maple-syrup-scent-13490.html |
3. | Huseynova L.S., Aliyeva K.A., Najafzada G.B., Yusufova Kh.J.,Hashimova A.R. Molecular genetic research of MEFV gene in population of Azerbaijan Republic. Sylwan. Poland. 2018. 162 (5)., p.31-36. |
http://sylwan.ibles.org/syl/index.php/archive/part/162/5/1/?currentVol=162¤tissue=5 |
4. | Huseynova L.S., Aghayeva S.A., Kichibekov B.R. , Aliyeva K.A., Khalilov R.I. Inherited metabolic disease phenylketonuriya and deficiency of G6PD enzim in a family study. German Herald Science. Germany.2018. N2., p 34-36. |
5. | Гусейнова Л.С., Алиева К.А., Расулов Э.М.,Велиева Г. А. Молекулярно-генетическое исследование гена MEFV у населения Азербайджанской Республики. «Педиатрия и детская хирургия». Научно-практический журнал Общественного объединения «Союз педиатров» Казахстана. Казахстан.2019. №2(96). c.20-23. |
https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41662216 |
6. | Huseynova L.S., Aghayeva S.A.,Mamadova S.N., Mahmudova P.A. Molecular genetic studies of the diseases Duchenne muscular dystrophy, phenylketonuria and Familial Mediterranean Fever in the population of the Azerbaijan Republic. Sylwan.Poland. 2019. 163 (5)., p.2-11. |
http://sylwan.ibles.org/syl/index.php/archive/part/163/5/1/?currentVol=163¤tissue=5 |
7. | Гусейнова Л.С., Алиева К. А., Велиева Г. А., Юсуфова Х.Дж. Молекулярно-генетическое исследование гиполактазии и галактоземии у населения Азербайджанской Республики. Международный научный журнал «Научные вести» Москва.2019. № 1(6) | С. 192-198. |
http://www.nvesti.ru/%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%85%D0%B8%D0%B2/ |
8. | Гусейнова Л.С., Агвердиева Р.Р. Молекулярно-генетическое исследование гена BCKDHB у населения Азербайджанской Республики. Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и технические науки. Россия. Москва.2020. №7 июль С.28-31. |
http://www.nauteh-journal.ru/files/3f3e561d-f656-4fdd-8abb-e711ec6ea223 |
9 | Гусейнова Л.С., Агвердиева Р.Р. Генетические исследованиея периодической болезни у населения Азербайджана. Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и технические науки. Россия. Москва.2021. №4. C 25-29. |
https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46196267 |
10 | Huseynova L.S., Aghayeva S.A., Hagverdiyeva R.R. Combined mutation of DMD and CFTR genes in an Azerbaijani family. İnternational Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research. İSSN 2250-0480. İndia. İnternational Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research. İndia.2021. Volume 11. No4 (July) P. 35-41. |
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/353420650_Combined_Mutations_of_DMD_and_CFTR_Genes _in_an_Azerbaijani_Family |
11 | Huseynova L.S., Hagverdiyeva R.R. A Novel Mutation in the DBT Gene Causesin an Azerbaijanian Child Classic Maple Syrup Urine Disease. Advanced Studies in Biology, HIKARI Ltd,2022. Vol. 14, no. 1, 1 – 11. |
http://www.m-hikari.com/asb/asb2022/asb1-2022/p/huseynovaASB1-2022.pdf |
12 | Huseynova L.S., Mammadova S.N.,Aliyeva K.A. Frequencies of the MEFV gene mutations in Azerbaijan. Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics. Makedonia.2021. 24(2). P.33-38. |
https://sciendo.com/es/article/10.2478/bjmg-2021-0017 |
13 | Huseynova L.S. Mutation Analysis of The Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Gene in Phenylketonuria Patients from Different Regions of Azerbaijan. Jurnal Biologi Indonesia. Indonesia.2022. 18(1): p.51-58. |
https://jurnalbiologi.perbiol.or.id/home/issue |
14 | Huseynova L.S., Nasibova Z.S. Genetic screening of Cystic Fibrosis and Early Epileptic Ensephalopathy in the population of Azerbaijan. Science, Education, İnnovation: Topical issues and modern aspects. Proceedings of the 1 st International Scientific and Practical Conference. №2(38), Tallin. Estonia.2020. P.833-838. |
https://ojs.ukrlogos.in.ua/index.php/interconf/article/view/7735/7710 |
15 | Huseynova L.S., Nasibova Z.S., Hagverdiyeva R.R, Aliyeva K.A. Genetic screening of SPTAN1 gene of Early Epileptic Ensephalopathy. Proceedings of the 3 th International Scientific and Practical Conference Scientific Community: Interdisciplinary Research. №45. Hamburg, Germany.2021. p. 319-323. |
https://ojs.ukrlogos.in.ua/index.php/interconf/article/view/10315 |
16 | Huseynova L.S., Hagverdiyeva R.R. Pathogenetic potential of the mutations of PAH gene. Proceedings of the 1 st International Scientific and Practical Conference Theory and Practice of Science: Key Aspects. №42. Rome, Italy.2021. p. 689-693. |
https://doi.org/10.51582/interconf.19-20.02.2021.067 |
17 | Huseynova L.S., Hagverdiyeva R.R. Pathogenetic potential of the mutations of MEFV gene in the Azerbaijan population. Proceedings of the 2 nd International Scientific and Practical Conference Global and Regional Aspects of Sustainable Development. №43. Copenhagen, Denmark.2021. p. 372-377. |
https://ojs.ukrlogos.in.ua/index.php/interconf/article/view/9674 |
18 | Huseynova L.S., Valiyeva G.A. Distribution of the MEFV gene mutations in Azerbaijan. Proceedings of the 8 th International Scientific and Practical Conference Scientific research in XXI Centery. №44. Ottawa, Canada. 2021. p. 414-419. |
https://ojs.ukrlogos.in.ua/index.php/interconf/article/view/9866 |
19 | Huseynova L.S., Nasibova Z.S., Aliyeva K.A.Mammadbayli A.K. Early Epileptic Ensephalopathy syndrome With cerebral hypomyelination in Azerbaijan. Proceedings of the 8 th International Scientific and Practical Conference Scientific Horizon in the context of social crises. Tokyo, Japan.2021. p 424-428. |
https://ojs.ukrlogos.in.ua/index.php/interconf/article/view/11444 |
20 | Huseynova L.S., Valiyeva G.A., Aliyeva K.A. Molecular-genetic reearch of CFTR (Cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator) gene mutations of among Cystic fibrosis patients in the Azerbaijan. Science and practice:Implementation to modern society.Procedings of the 11th International Scientific and Practical Conference. №80. October, 2021. Manchester, Great Britain.2021. p.166-174. |
https://ojs.ukrlogos.in.ua/index.php/interconf/issue/view/18-19.10.2021 |
21 | Huseynova L.S., Hagverdiyeva R.R. Frequencies of the mutations PAH gene mutations in the different regions of Azerbaijan Republic. Proceedings of the 2 th International Scientific and Practical Conference. Global Approach to Scientific Research. №89. Salvador, Brazil.2021. p. 273-278. |
https://ojs.ukrlogos.in.ua/index.php/interconf/article/view/16741 |
22 | Huseynova L.S., Mahmudova P.A. Importance of dietotherapy in patients with phenylketonuria. Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference International forum: Problems and Scientific Solutions. Melbourne, Australia. 2022. p.279-281. |
https://archive.interconf.center/index.php/conference-proceeding/article/view/815 |
23 | Huseynova L.S., Mahmudova P.A. The importance of early molecular-genetic diagnosis in the treatment of galactosemia. Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference Scientific Paradigm in the context of technologies and society development. Geneva, Switzerland 2022. P.245-249. |
https://archive.interconf.center/index.php/conference- proceeding/article/download/1039/1065 |
24 | Huseynova L.S., Aghayeva S.A.,Valiyeva G.A.,Yusufova Kh.J. Genetic research of Duchenne muscular dystrophy and galactosemia from Azerbaijan Republic. Procedings of the Second İntrnational Conference of Europan Academy of Science November 20-28, 2018, Bonn, Germany. |
https://www.academia.edu/38030104/Proceedings_of_the_Second_International_Conference_of_Europe an |
25 | Huseynova L.S., Aliyeva K.A.,Rasulov E.M., Valiyeva G.A. Molecular genetic characteristics of MEFV gene for the Familial Mediterranean Fever disease in patient from Azerbaijan Republic. Human genome and health 2nd International Conference.Translational Medicine in the Era of Omics. Georgia. Tbilisi.2019. p.13. |
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/336149852_HUMAN_GENOME_AND_HEALTH_2_nd_Internati onal_Conference_TRANSLATIONAL_MEDICINE_IN_THE_ERA_OF_OMICS |
26 | Huseynova L.S., Valieva G.A. Identification on the mutation of BCKDHB gene in two newborns in same Azerbaijani family. 9th International Istanbul Scientific Research Congress. Istanbul. Turkey. May 14-15, 2022. P.219. |
https://conferencealerts.com/show-event?id=244186 |
27 | Huseynova L.S., Huseynova Q.O. R761H M694I, M694V, V726A, R202Q, M680I and E148Q MEFV gene (Familial Mediterranean Fever genemutations in the Azerbaijanian patients. The Second International Scientific-Practical Virtual Conference ’’Modern Medicine: Problems, Prognoses and Solutions’’ Kazakhstan, Almaty. Decembeer 18-20, 2020 Azerbaijan-Estonia- Kazakhstan -Turkey Joint Conference. Tallinn. P.16. |
https://www.kaznu.kz/content/files/pages/folder23288/PROGRAM.pdf |